Join.SoIN Pride is financially supported through membership dues, donations, and sponsorships. As a SoIN PBA member, you are part of an exclusive network dedicated to the visibility and advocacy of LGBTQ+ owned businesses.
Membership Benefits Include:
Business IndividualsFor self-employed, independent contractors, and business individuals within a company.
$50/annually |
Corporate Membership
For businesses with 51+ employees. Corporate partners recognize the contributions of LGBTQ+ businesses & allied communities and seek to connect with these businesses as part of their diversity strategies.
Payment processing tip: Our payment processor is through PayPal, but you do NOT have to use a PayPal account. Select "debit or credit card", if your email is associated with PayPal account, it will pop up and send you code, but you can simply "X" out of it to proceed with a debit/credit card payment. |